The Residents at the Coach's House

The following quotes are true things said by students and others at the Snow College Coach's House in the Spring 2008 Semester. Students were: Eric Barlow, Clayton Barrus, Chase Barrus, Alex Christensen, Mike Hulet, Caleb Mellor, Steven Martineau, and Ryan White.

Eric: Why is Ryan's mail in our fridge?

Eric: You want to know how to get ants out of your pants...? The Boot Scoot Boogie!

Caleb: Look! That cat is pregnant.

Ryan: Yes he is!

Mike: Let's see! Have I said any other stupid things?

Caleb: I've only found one other person around my age with a bigger head than mine.

Ryan: Shhh! Caleb is playing!

Mike: Okay, so I need your opinion.

Caleb: Don't worry, she's not your type!

Mike: No, it's not about a girl!

Eric: Only pregnant women are supposed to drink that!

Kristen: I used a George Foreman to get floss out of my teeth!

Caleb: It's like sin, only not that bad.

Ryan: Your honey dropped!

Alex: I thought my teeth were going to talk.

Ryan: The nun. Seriously you should put: "the nun."

Mike: Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Caleb: Okay, but if I do I'll do it for you too!

Anon1: Hey guys I think the couch is moving!

Anon2: Are you on crack or something?

Eric: Are you drinking out of a bottle Chase?

Ryan: I'm sick of these problems (sheep).

Alex: What problems? Dating problems?

Eric: Tooth floss!

Eric: I sure hope I don't get warts on my hair.

Mike: You're gonna get warts on that.

Caleb: Holding hands in the bathroom?

Alex: It's as old as a dinosaur.

Caleb: It's the size of a dinosaur.

Tara: Is that supposed to be burning?

Eric: Yeah it's called a stove!

Alex: I haven't eaten man!

Eric: You shouldn't.

Caleb: Hey Chase! Ya gonna sleep with us?

Chase: I dunno man!

Caleb (Sleeptalking): Maybe later. Yeah, maybe later when I'm younger.

Alex: Hey Eric! Do you have anything for heartburn? Mike needs some.

Eric: I have something for heartbreak!

Mike: You have no idea what it's like to be me. I have to listen to myself 24/7.

Mike: I just went on my yearly jog. (As he huffs and puffs)

Eric: I wonder how strep throat got started. Someone probably ate a bad piece of dirt.

Caleb: This feels gross beyond all reason. Oh, it's peas!

Eric: Lonely? Why wait? Grab a kiss!

Ryan: Hey! My brother is pregnant!...

Caleb: Ha ha! You just touched the warty bottom. (Peanut butter)

Eric: What about your pants coming down?

Alex: They just don't bend that way!

Caleb: She's having a baby.

Eric: What kind?

Mike: Only women have women brains.

Caleb: It sounds like baby birds being crunched... and I have to suffer through it.

Steve: I just took a 7 hour nap!

Mike: Hey guys! My parents might come up this weekend!

Eric: No Shipp.